Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Free Music Just A Click Away

This European company started in 2008 and has grown substantially since.  Finally it has crossed the pond and opened up to the United States in July 2011.  With over 15 million songs in their catalog you are bound to find something you like.  So how does it work?  
      1. Create a free account
      2. Download the free software, app or both!  
      3. Start searching for the music you love and add it to your play list.
      4. Customize your lists however you wish.  

Now the music is yours to play whenever, wherever.  There is a pay version that gives you a few more features, but the free version is so worth it!  If you would like an invite, hit me up!

Monday, September 26, 2011

I Heart Legos!!!

Oh the fun you can have with legos!  Making this stop animation video was so super simple!  You don't have to use legos, you can do this with any subject matter. 
  1. Take photos of your subject by moving them a little bit at a time.  
  2. Upload them to Windows Movie Maker (or any other video editing software)
  3. Make each slide one second long. 
  4. Add your music and that's it!  Have fun!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Google+ Growth Explodes

No surprise here. Google+ growth has exploded this week mostly due to the fact that people don't like change and were annoyed with the Facebook profile shuffling this week. Every time Facebook switches profiles around people get bent out of shape, but this time seems worse then usual. Here is an interesting blog post from Jeff Bullas.

TED and You

Anyone who deals with technology as a profession or hobby needs to check out TED at least once a week.  It's not all geekery and jibberish...it's can be VERY entertaining.  Oh and they have a pretty bad ass iPad app!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education

This report is based on findings from a pair of Pew Research Center surveys conducted in spring 2011.  One is a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 2,142 adults ages 18 and older.  The other is an online survey, done in association with the Chronicle of Higher Education, among the presidents of 1,055 two-year and four-year private, public, and for-profit colleges and universities.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Unleash the Power of Prezi

Prezi is an awesome tool if you haven't tried it.  With nothing to download you can create amazing zooming presentations.  Many new features have been added lately, like YouTube integration.  The free version packs plenty of punch.  Check out this simple lesson about Norman Rockwell I made using Prezi.

Norman Rockwell Prezi